*Important Reminder: Please select “Other” from the dropdown and enter 0 in the contribution field to ensure 100% of your donation goes to our organization.
*ጠቃሚ ማሳሰቢያ፡ እባኮትን ከተቆልቋዩ ውስጥ “ሌላ” ን ምረጡ እና በመዋጮ መስኩ ላይ 0 አስገቡ።
*Important Reminder: Please select “Other” from the dropdown and enter 0 in the contribution field to ensure 100% of your donation goes to our organization.
*ጠቃሚ ማሳሰቢያ፡ እባኮትን ከተቆልቋዩ ውስጥ “ሌላ” ን ምረጡ እና በመዋጮ መስኩ ላይ 0 አስገቡ።