የተለያዮ የስራ ዘርፎች ወጣቶችና ወላጆች ምን ማወቅ እንዳለባቸዉ የምንማርበት ጊዜ

አብዛኛዉ የኛ ህብረተሰብ ልጆቹ ዶክተር ወይ ፋርማሲስት እንዲሆኑ ብቻ እንደሚጥር ያዉቃሉ? ሌላ የሙያ ዘርፍ ምን ያህል ግንዛቤ አሎት? ስለ የተለያዮ የስራ ዘርፎች ወጣቶችና ወላጆች ምን ማወቅ እንዳለባቸዉ የምንማርበት ጊዜ...
From School To Work: Bridging The Skills Gap

From School To Work: Bridging The Skills Gap

The growing skills gap is one of the biggest challenges to the future of the global economy. And higher education is at the heart of it. Learning is transitioning to a 21st century curriculum focused on communication, collaboration, critical reasoning and creative...


We believe Jr. High and Sr. High years are at a crucial time in their lives as begin to develop their own faith and values. Our desire is to raise up a new generation of disciples by helping them to grow closer to Christ and teaching them how to be bold in their...